
《AumSum Time》数理化生全科启蒙系列动画片


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发布者: 青春溢的梨子

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《AumSum Time》数理化生全科启蒙系列动画片 《AumSum Time》数理化生全科启蒙系列动画片 1.6GB

品牌页.pdf 品牌页.pdf 517KB

免费的!中小学最新资料入群二维码【速度】.png 免费的!中小学最新资料入群二维码【速度】.png 338KB

05 - Chemistry Videos 化学视频【59集 英文字幕】 05 - Chemistry Videos 化学视频【59集 英文字幕】 1.6GB

001-059 001-059 1.6GB

08. Why is there a Hole in the Ozone Layer.mp4 08. Why is there a Hole in the Ozone Layer.mp4 55.4MB

54. Single Displacement Reactions .mp4 54. Single Displacement Reactions .mp4 41.4MB

50. Crystallization .mp4 50. Crystallization .mp4 42.9MB

17. Why do people go bald.mp4 17. Why do people go bald.mp4 8.4MB

35. Sublimation - Why do mothballs disappear over time.mp4 35. Sublimation - Why do mothballs disappear over time.mp4 11.2MB

37. Oxidation - Why do copper vessels turn green.mp4 37. Oxidation - Why do copper vessels turn green.mp4 11.4MB

51. Rusting of Iron .mp4 51. Rusting of Iron .mp4 33.0MB

57. How can some people Predict Rain.mp4 57. How can some people Predict Rain.mp4 42.8MB

40. Why does a turmeric stain turn red.mp4 40. Why does a turmeric stain turn red.mp4 10.4MB

12. Why is salt added to icy roads.mp4 12. Why is salt added to icy roads.mp4 15.3MB

06. Does it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.mp4 06. Does it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.mp4 68.7MB

47. Chromatography .mp4 47. Chromatography .mp4 25.4MB

05. Is Mars really Red.mp4 05. Is Mars really Red.mp4 58.7MB

29. Why is a diver able to cut through water in a swimming pool.mp4 29. Why is a diver able to cut through water in a swimming pool.mp4 12.5MB

18. Why can we see our breath in the cold.mp4 18. Why can we see our breath in the cold.mp4 13.5MB

36. Why is soap ineffective in hard water.mp4 36. Why is soap ineffective in hard water.mp4 10.5MB

42. Neutralization Reaction - How to treat a bee sting.mp4 42. Neutralization Reaction - How to treat a bee sting.mp4 24.0MB

09. Why is Ocean water Salty.mp4 09. Why is Ocean water Salty.mp4 84.1MB

41. Rancidity - Why is a bag of chips half full.mp4 41. Rancidity - Why is a bag of chips half full.mp4 11.7MB

53. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon Experiment .mp4 53. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon Experiment .mp4 70.8MB

59. Is Overcooked food Good for us.mp4 59. Is Overcooked food Good for us.mp4 52.4MB

33. Why do wet clothes feel cold.mp4 33. Why do wet clothes feel cold.mp4 8.9MB

23. What is the cause of muscle cramps.mp4 23. What is the cause of muscle cramps.mp4 12.1MB

31. Osmosis - How do fish drink water.mp4 31. Osmosis - How do fish drink water.mp4 12.6MB

14. How is coffee decaffeinated.mp4 14. How is coffee decaffeinated.mp4 9.2MB

11. What are those 'DO NOT EAT' packets.mp4 11. What are those 'DO NOT EAT' packets.mp4 17.8MB

49. Hydrocarbons .mp4 49. Hydrocarbons .mp4 68.6MB

21. Why is fluoride added to water.mp4 21. Why is fluoride added to water.mp4 8.5MB

34. Why is oxalic acid used to remove rust stains.mp4 34. Why is oxalic acid used to remove rust stains.mp4 17.3MB

32. Why does steam cause more severe burns than boiling water.mp4 32. Why does steam cause more severe burns than boiling water.mp4 12.1MB

48. Covalent Bonding .mp4 48. Covalent Bonding .mp4 40.9MB

56. Balancing Chemical Equations for beginners .mp4 56. Balancing Chemical Equations for beginners .mp4 56.3MB

43. Why is soil pH important to farmers.mp4 43. Why is soil pH important to farmers.mp4 41.7MB

45. Simple Distillation .mp4 45. Simple Distillation .mp4 34.1MB

22. Why does Swiss cheese have holes.mp4 22. Why does Swiss cheese have holes.mp4 18.5MB

52. Solution, Suspension and Colloid .mp4 52. Solution, Suspension and Colloid .mp4 52.6MB

15. What makes ice clear or cloudy.mp4 15. What makes ice clear or cloudy.mp4 8.3MB

38. Oxidation - Why do papers turn yellow.mp4 38. Oxidation - Why do papers turn yellow.mp4 12.2MB

10. Science of Snowflakes .mp4 10. Science of Snowflakes .mp4 57.5MB

24. Why do we get dandruff.mp4 24. Why do we get dandruff.mp4 12.5MB

46. Electrolytic Refining of Metals .mp4 46. Electrolytic Refining of Metals .mp4 29.8MB

55. Decomposition Reaction .mp4 55. Decomposition Reaction .mp4 47.7MB

25. What causes cavities.mp4 25. What causes cavities.mp4 9.2MB

07. Can Bananas cause Radiation Poisoning.mp4 07. Can Bananas cause Radiation Poisoning.mp4 63.2MB

28. Human Tears - Why do onions make you cry.mp4 28. Human Tears - Why do onions make you cry.mp4 13.9MB

01. Why are Gold and Platinum used to make Jewellery.mp4 01. Why are Gold and Platinum used to make Jewellery.mp4 42.8MB

20. Why does water go stale overnight.mp4 20. Why does water go stale overnight.mp4 8.5MB

27. Is distilled water safe to drink.mp4 27. Is distilled water safe to drink.mp4 9.3MB

26. Why does rain smell.mp4 26. Why does rain smell.mp4 7.9MB

44. Why does soda fizz when you shake it.mp4 44. Why does soda fizz when you shake it.mp4 23.5MB

13. Why is dry ice so dangerous.mp4 13. Why is dry ice so dangerous.mp4 8.8MB

16. Why do old books smell so good.mp4 16. Why do old books smell so good.mp4 9.8MB

19. How do fireflies glow.mp4 19. How do fireflies glow.mp4 13.6MB

04. Shadow, Rust, Pollination, Magnetic Compass, Neutralization and much more!! .mp4 04. Shadow, Rust, Pollination, Magnetic Compass, Neutralization and much more!! .mp4 85.0MB

58. What is a Hailstorm.mp4 58. What is a Hailstorm.mp4 42.1MB

39. Why is curd not stored in copper containers.mp4 39. Why is curd not stored in copper containers.mp4 8.3MB

02. How do Airbags work.mp4 02. How do Airbags work.mp4 41.4MB

30. Water Purification - Why is alum added to water.mp4 30. Water Purification - Why is alum added to water.mp4 10.5MB



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