
小学英语 科普版 课件教案试卷资源包(3-6上下册)


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小学英语 科普版 课件教案试卷资源包(3-6上下册) 小学英语 科普版 课件教案试卷资源包(3-6上下册) 359.8MB

课文朗读音频 课文朗读音频 220.0MB

科普版小学英语六年级上册课文朗读.zip 科普版小学英语六年级上册课文朗读.zip 29.0MB

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科普版小学英语五年级上册课文朗读.zip 科普版小学英语五年级上册课文朗读.zip 25.4MB

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单元+期中期末试卷 单元+期中期末试卷 87.1MB

科普版小学英语5年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 科普版小学英语5年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 19.9MB

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科普版小学英语6年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 科普版小学英语6年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 14.1MB

科普版小学英语4年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 科普版小学英语4年级下册单元测试期中期末试卷.zip 21.0MB

英语科普版6上 英语科普版6上 52.6MB

Lesson 3 Lesson 3 6.0MB

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday-- What will the weather be like tomorrow 句型操练.ppt Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday-- What will the weather be like tomorrow 句型操练.ppt 3.0MB

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 课件 1.ppt Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 课件 1.ppt 1.8MB

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday-- What will the weather be like tomorrow 句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday-- What will the weather be like tomorrow 句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 教案.doc Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 教案.doc 34KB

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 课件 2.ppt Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 课件 2.ppt 1.2MB

Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 习题.doc Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday 习题.doc 32KB

Lesson 6 Lesson 6 5.7MB

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 习题.doc Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 习题.doc 37KB

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 课件 2.ppt Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 课件 2.ppt 1.3MB

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 课件 1.ppt Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 课件 1.ppt 2.1MB

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor--Where is 句型操练.ppt Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor--Where is 句型操练.ppt 2.2MB

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor--Where is 句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor--Where is 句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 教案.doc Lesson 6 It's on the fifth floor 教案.doc 39KB

Lesson 4 Lesson 4 6.6MB

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 习题.doc Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 习题.doc 35KB

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy--What will you do tomorrow 句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy--What will you do tomorrow 句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 课件 1.ppt Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 课件 1.ppt 2.1MB

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy--What will you do tomorrow 句型操练.ppt Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy--What will you do tomorrow 句型操练.ppt 2.7MB

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 课件 2.ppt Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 课件 2.ppt 1.8MB

Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 教案.doc Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy 教案.doc 34KB

Lesson 8 Lesson 8 11.4MB

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 课件 2.ppt Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 课件 2.ppt 1.3MB

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 习题.doc Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 习题.doc 30KB

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 教案.doc Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 教案.doc 35KB

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 课件 1.ppt Lesson 8 Merry Christmas 课件 1.ppt 4.3MB

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas --When is +节日句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 8 Merry Christmas --When is +节日句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 8 Merry Christmas --When is  节日句型操练.ppt Lesson 8 Merry Christmas --When is 节日句型操练.ppt 5.7MB

Lesson 2 Lesson 2 6.0MB

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow--What are you going to do 句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow--What are you going to do 句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 课件 2.ppt Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 课件 2.ppt 1.7MB

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow--What are you going to do 句型操练.ppt Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow--What are you going to do 句型操练.ppt 2.1MB

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 课件 1.ppt Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 课件 1.ppt 2.1MB

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 教案.doc Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 教案.doc 39KB

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 习题.doc Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow 习题.doc 35KB

Lesson 7 Lesson 7 6.1MB

Lesson 7 What's the date today 课件 2.ppt Lesson 7 What's the date today 课件 2.ppt 867KB

Lesson 7 What's the date today 习题.doc Lesson 7 What's the date today 习题.doc 33KB

Lesson 7 What's the date today 课件 1.ppt Lesson 7 What's the date today 课件 1.ppt 1.4MB

Lesson 7 What's the date today--句型操练.ppt Lesson 7 What's the date today--句型操练.ppt 3.8MB

Lesson 7 What's the date today 教案.doc Lesson 7 What's the date today 教案.doc 38KB

Lesson 7 What's the date today--句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 7 What's the date today--句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 5.3MB

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 习题.doc Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 习题.doc 36KB

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 课件 1.ppt Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 课件 1.ppt 2.5MB

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 课件 2.ppt Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 课件 2.ppt 1.4MB

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party--Are you going to 句型操练.ppt Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party--Are you going to 句型操练.ppt 1.3MB

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 教案.doc Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party 教案.doc 34KB

Lesson 9 Lesson 9 5.2MB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 课件 2.ppt Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 课件 2.ppt 873KB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday --句型操练.ppt Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday --句型操练.ppt 2.3MB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 教案.doc Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 教案.doc 36KB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 习题.doc Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 习题.doc 30KB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 课件 1.ppt Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday 课件 1.ppt 2.0MB

Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday --句型操练.ppt.ppt Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday --句型操练.ppt.ppt 131 B

教案课件习题 教案课件习题 238KB

【同步练习】Lesson 1(科普).doc 【同步练习】Lesson 1(科普).doc 238KB



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