


发布时间: 2025-03-17 11:08:25

文件大小: 共计 100 个文件 ,合计: 3.9GB

发布者: julyjuly

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

资源售价: 5金币 会员所有资源免费

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以下文件快照生成于3 小时前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

【英语课程教程】流利口语(入门+进阶) 【英语课程教程】流利口语(入门+进阶) 2.3GB

223_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4 223_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4 4.4MB

92_03 表达谢意 .mp4 92_03 表达谢意 .mp4 40.3MB

166_基础词汇15 -疾病.mp4 166_基础词汇15 -疾病.mp4 54.2MB

126_25 Put all one's eggs in one b.mp4 126_25 Put all one's eggs in one b.mp4 40.2MB

114_13 Hands down.mp4 114_13 Hands down.mp4 36.9MB

178_基础词汇27 -水果.mp4 178_基础词汇27 -水果.mp4 59.2MB

88_42 Dead 的不同用法.mp4 88_42 Dead 的不同用法.mp4 82.2MB

183_基础听力练习课 2 - Tim's family.mp4 183_基础听力练习课 2 - Tim's family.mp4 20.1MB

225_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4 225_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4 3.5MB

06_06 元音[_].mp4 06_06 元音[_].mp4 52.5MB

238_跟读13 - 表达喜好与厌恶 likes and disli.mp4 238_跟读13 - 表达喜好与厌恶 likes and disli.mp4 7.9MB

260_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4 260_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4 4.4MB

215_07. The Wolf and the Crane.mp4 215_07. The Wolf and the Crane.mp4 4.6MB

226_18. The Wind and the Sun.mp4 226_18. The Wind and the Sun.mp4 4.0MB

162_基础词汇11 -职业.mp4 162_基础词汇11 -职业.mp4 60.9MB

128_27 Bite off more than you can .mp4 128_27 Bite off more than you can .mp4 35.5MB

199_基础听力练习课 18 - The Summer holida.mp4 199_基础听力练习课 18 - The Summer holida.mp4 25.5MB

201_基础听力练习课 20 - The unlucky numbe.mp4 201_基础听力练习课 20 - The unlucky numbe.mp4 23.5MB

177_基础词汇26 -食物.mp4 177_基础词汇26 -食物.mp4 90.3MB

16_16 元音[a_].mp4 16_16 元音[a_].mp4 39.5MB

174_基础词汇23 -卫生间里的东西.mp4 174_基础词汇23 -卫生间里的东西.mp4 58.1MB

256_11. The Fox and the Grapes.mp4 256_11. The Fox and the Grapes.mp4 3.3MB

175_基础词汇24 -客厅里的东西.mp4 175_基础词汇24 -客厅里的东西.mp4 50.9MB

149_48 Get on someone's nerves.mp4 149_48 Get on someone's nerves.mp4 26.3MB

173_基础词汇22 -厨房里的东西.mp4 173_基础词汇22 -厨房里的东西.mp4 74.7MB

122_21 Get the wrong end of the st.mp4 122_21 Get the wrong end of the st.mp4 32.1MB

131_30 Give someone a taste of the.mp4 131_30 Give someone a taste of the.mp4 49.3MB

224_16. The Tortoise and the Birds.mp4 224_16. The Tortoise and the Birds.mp4 3.7MB

218_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4 218_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4 5.3MB

262_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4 262_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4 3.5MB

69_23 Ish 的五种用法.mp4 69_23 Ish 的五种用法.mp4 109.4MB

253_08. The Wolf and the Lamb.mp4 253_08. The Wolf and the Lamb.mp4 5.1MB

22_22 辅音[t] [d].mp4 22_22 辅音[t] [d].mp4 27.3MB

244_跟读19 - 表示感兴趣 不感兴趣 showing inte.mp4 244_跟读19 - 表示感兴趣 不感兴趣 showing inte.mp4 14.6MB

145_44 Hit the nail on the head.mp4 145_44 Hit the nail on the head.mp4 30.4MB

250_05. The Man and the Serpent.mp4 250_05. The Man and the Serpent.mp4 4.5MB

249_04. The Lion's Share.mp4 249_04. The Lion's Share.mp4 4.5MB

264_19. The Hare and the Tortoise .mp4 264_19. The Hare and the Tortoise .mp4 4.4MB

239_跟读14 - 自我介绍 self introductions.mp4 239_跟读14 - 自我介绍 self introductions.mp4 13.2MB

146_45 In or With hindsight.mp4 146_45 In or With hindsight.mp4 49.5MB

72_26 “饿到生气”怎么说?.mp4 72_26 “饿到生气”怎么说?.mp4 94.3MB

36_36 辅音[l].mp4 36_36 辅音[l].mp4 55.5MB

171_基础词汇20 -乐器.mp4 171_基础词汇20 -乐器.mp4 51.7MB

241_跟读16 - 寒暄、闲聊 2 small talk 2.mp4 241_跟读16 - 寒暄、闲聊 2 small talk 2.mp4 14.4MB

247_02. The Dog and the Shadow.mp4 247_02. The Dog and the Shadow.mp4 3.4MB

265_20. The Fox and the Goat.mp4 265_20. The Fox and the Goat.mp4 3.7MB

18_18 元音[__].mp4 18_18 元音[__].mp4 63.6MB

237_跟读12 - 表达同意与不同意 agreeing and d.mp4 237_跟读12 - 表达同意与不同意 agreeing and d.mp4 12.3MB

185_基础听力练习课 4 -  Me and my roomate.mp4 185_基础听力练习课 4 - Me and my roomate.mp4 26.1MB

240_跟读15 - 寒暄、闲聊 1 small talk 1.mp4 240_跟读15 - 寒暄、闲聊 1 small talk 1.mp4 13.7MB

246_01. The Cock and the Pearl.mp4 246_01. The Cock and the Pearl.mp4 3.4MB

64_18 Arse 有太多意思啦.mp4 64_18 Arse 有太多意思啦.mp4 235.9MB

248_03. The Fox and the Crow.mp4 248_03. The Fox and the Crow.mp4 4.6MB

85_39 被发好人卡用英语怎么说?.mp4 85_39 被发好人卡用英语怎么说?.mp4 223.0MB

255_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4 255_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4 5.3MB

45_09 常见的语调.mp4 45_09 常见的语调.mp4 82.7MB

50_04 “呸呸呸”怎么说 .mp4 50_04 “呸呸呸”怎么说 .mp4 179.0MB

202_情景对话 0.0 课程介绍.mp4 202_情景对话 0.0 课程介绍.mp4 22.3MB

19_19 元音[e_].mp4 19_19 元音[e_].mp4 43.0MB

216_08. The Wolf and the Lamb.mp4 216_08. The Wolf and the Lamb.mp4 5.1MB



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