
沪江网校《新概念英语课程 (1-4册) 》


发布时间: 2025-03-09 23:32:15

文件大小: 共计 396 个文件 ,合计: 17.1GB

发布者: 自然西瓜

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

资源售价: 7金币 会员所有资源免费

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以下文件快照生成于1 天前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

沪江网校《新概念英语课程 (1-4册) 》 沪江网校《新概念英语课程 (1-4册) 》 3.3GB

第四册 第四册 3.3GB

09 Royal espionage.wmv 09 Royal espionage.wmv 47.2MB

20 Snake poison.wmv 20 Snake poison.wmv 56.4MB

18 Porpoises.wmv 18 Porpoises.wmv 50.6MB

39-2 What every writer wants 02.wmv 39-2 What every writer wants 02.wmv 69.0MB

26-1 The past life of the earth 01.wmv 26-1 The past life of the earth 01.wmv 52.7MB

23 Bird flight.wmv 23 Bird flight.wmv 57.3MB

40-2 Waves 02.wmv 40-2 Waves 02.wmv 57.5MB

07 Bats.wmv 07 Bats.wmv 42.8MB

25-2 Non-auditory effects of noise 02.wmv 25-2 Non-auditory effects of noise 02.wmv 67.9MB

03 Matterhorn man.wmv 03 Matterhorn man.wmv 46.7MB

25-1 Non-auditory effects of noise 01.wmv 25-1 Non-auditory effects of noise 01.wmv 53.7MB

16 The modern city.wmv 16 The modern city.wmv 52.9MB

08 Trading standards.wmv 08 Trading standards.wmv 43.5MB

11 How to grow old.wmv 11 How to grow old.wmv 44.8MB

10 Silicon valley.wmv 10 Silicon valley.wmv 42.4MB

13 The search for oil.wmv 13 The search for oil.wmv 44.3MB

01 Finding fossil man.wmv 01 Finding fossil man.wmv 49.8MB

22 Knowledge and progress.wmv 22 Knowledge and progress.wmv 52.1MB

04 Seeing hands.wmv 04 Seeing hands.wmv 46.3MB

14 The Butterfly Effect.wmv 14 The Butterfly Effect.wmv 57.8MB

19 The stuff of dreams.wmv 19 The stuff of dreams.wmv 58.2MB

24 Beauty.wmv 24 Beauty.wmv 53.7MB

29-2 Hovercraft 02.wmv 29-2 Hovercraft 02.wmv 54.5MB

05 Youth.wmv 05 Youth.wmv 46.1MB

37-1 The process of ageing 01.wmv 37-1 The process of ageing 01.wmv 54.5MB

Test 02.wmv Test 02.wmv 61.5MB

48-1 Planning a share portfolio 01.wmv 48-1 Planning a share portfolio 01.wmv 45.5MB

34-2 Adolescence 02.wmv 34-2 Adolescence 02.wmv 76.7MB

56 Introduction   Conclusion.wmv 56 Introduction Conclusion.wmv 55.1MB

41-2 Training elephants 02.wmv 41-2 Training elephants 02.wmv 49.1MB

33-1 Education 01.wmv 33-1 Education 01.wmv 57.3MB

52 Paragraph Structure.wmv 52 Paragraph Structure.wmv 54.9MB

53 Brainstorming & Exampling.wmv 53 Brainstorming & Exampling.wmv 36.4MB

42-2 Recording an earthquake 02.wmv 42-2 Recording an earthquake 02.wmv 53.3MB

34-1 Adolescence 01.wmv 34-1 Adolescence 01.wmv 51.9MB

45-1 Of men and galaxies 01.wmv 45-1 Of men and galaxies 01.wmv 44.1MB

31-2 The sculptor speaks 02.wmv 31-2 The sculptor speaks 02.wmv 67.9MB

第一单元 新概念4单元测试1.wmv 第一单元 新概念4单元测试1.wmv 170.6MB

第二单元 新概念4单元测试2.wmv 第二单元 新概念4单元测试2.wmv 148.0MB

47-1 The great escape 01.wmv 47-1 The great escape 01.wmv 50.7MB

42-1 Recording an earthquake 01.wmv 42-1 Recording an earthquake 01.wmv 42.5MB

40-1 Waves 01.wmv 40-1 Waves 01.wmv 45.6MB

6 The sporting spirit.wmv 6 The sporting spirit.wmv 42.2MB

46-2 Hobbies 02.wmv 46-2 Hobbies 02.wmv 42.0MB

44-2 Patterns of culture 02.wmv 44-2 Patterns of culture 02.wmv 44.8MB

38-1 Water and the traveller 01.wmv 38-1 Water and the traveller 01.wmv 53.1MB

15 Secrecy in industry.wmv 15 Secrecy in industry.wmv 51.8MB

43-2 Are there strangers in space 02.wmv 43-2 Are there strangers in space 02.wmv 57.0MB

28-1 Patients and doctors 01.wmv 28-1 Patients and doctors 01.wmv 52.9MB

30-2 Exploring the sea-floor 02.wmv 30-2 Exploring the sea-floor 02.wmv 53.3MB

02 Spare that spider.wmv 02 Spare that spider.wmv 41.9MB

Test 01.wmv Test 01.wmv 41.0MB

37-2 The process of ageing 02.wmv 37-2 The process of ageing 02.wmv 74.9MB

41-1 Training elephants 01.wmv 41-1 Training elephants 01.wmv 74.1MB

51 Stronger Sentences.wmv 51 Stronger Sentences.wmv 54.3MB

48-2 Planning a share portfolio 02.wmv 48-2 Planning a share portfolio 02.wmv 60.5MB

47-2 The great escape 02.wmv 47-2 The great escape 02.wmv 40.4MB

27-1 The 'Vasa' 01.wmv 27-1 The 'Vasa' 01.wmv 47.7MB

32-2 Galileo reborn 02.wmv 32-2 Galileo reborn 02.wmv 61.4MB

49 Summary Writing.wmv 49 Summary Writing.wmv 55.3MB



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