


发布时间: 2025-01-08 19:04:18

文件大小: 共计 1761 个文件 ,合计: 65.3GB

发布者: 一口莲酥

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

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以下文件快照生成于16 天前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

新东方新概念1-4册精讲 新东方新概念1-4册精讲 93.0MB

新概念4 新概念4 93.0MB

新概念英语.第四册.(美音)MP3.LRC 新概念英语.第四册.(美音)MP3.LRC 93.0MB

21-William S. Hart and the Early Western Film.wma 21-William S. Hart and the Early Western Film.wma 3.2MB

20-Snake Poison.wma 20-Snake Poison.wma 3.0MB

19-The Stuff of Dreams.lrc 19-The Stuff of Dreams.lrc 3KB

37-The Process of Ageing.wma 37-The Process of Ageing.wma 4.5MB

46-Hobbies.wma 46-Hobbies.wma 4.7MB

14-The Butterfly Effect.lrc 14-The Butterfly Effect.lrc 2KB

45-Of Men and Galaxies.lrc 45-Of Men and Galaxies.lrc 4KB

01-Finding Fossil Man.lrc 01-Finding Fossil Man.lrc 2KB

16-The Modern City.lrc 16-The Modern City.lrc 2KB

11-How to Grow Old.wma 11-How to Grow Old.wma 2.6MB

33-Education.wma 33-Education.wma 4.0MB

12-Banks and Their Customers.wma 12-Banks and Their Customers.wma 2.1MB

03-Matterhorn Man.wma 03-Matterhorn Man.wma 2.6MB

48-Planning a Share Portfolio.wma 48-Planning a Share Portfolio.wma 3.2MB

26-The Past Life of the Earth.lrc 26-The Past Life of the Earth.lrc 3KB

38-Water and the Traveller.wma 38-Water and the Traveller.wma 3.0MB

36-The Cost of Government.wma 36-The Cost of Government.wma 3.4MB

23-Bird Flight.lrc 23-Bird Flight.lrc 2KB

47-The Great Escape.wma 47-The Great Escape.wma 5.8MB

42-Recording an Earthquake.lrc 42-Recording an Earthquake.lrc 4KB

12-Banks and Their Customers.lrc 12-Banks and Their Customers.lrc 2KB

38-Water and the Traveller.lrc 38-Water and the Traveller.lrc 3KB

33-Education.lrc 33-Education.lrc 3KB

29-The Hovercraft.lrc 29-The Hovercraft.lrc 2KB

15-Secrecy in Industry.wma 15-Secrecy in Industry.wma 2.4MB

13-The Search for Oil.lrc 13-The Search for Oil.lrc 2KB

25-Non-Auditory Effects of Noise.lrc 25-Non-Auditory Effects of Noise.lrc 3KB

02-Spare That Spider.lrc 02-Spare That Spider.lrc 2KB

05-Youth.lrc 05-Youth.lrc 2KB

10-Silicon Valley.lrc 10-Silicon Valley.lrc 2KB

34-Adolescence.wma 34-Adolescence.wma 3.2MB

06-The Sporting Spirit.wma 06-The Sporting Spirit.wma 2.0MB

22-Knowledge and Progress.lrc 22-Knowledge and Progress.lrc 2KB

28-Patients and Doctors.lrc 28-Patients and Doctors.lrc 3KB

23-Bird Flight.wma 23-Bird Flight.wma 2.9MB

13-The Search for Oil.wma 13-The Search for Oil.wma 2.4MB

14-The Butterfly Effect.wma 14-The Butterfly Effect.wma 2.4MB

15-Secrecy in Industry.lrc 15-Secrecy in Industry.lrc 2KB

41-Training Elephants.lrc 41-Training Elephants.lrc 4KB

07-Bats.lrc 07-Bats.lrc 2KB

27-The vasa.wma 27-The vasa.wma 4.1MB

30-Exploring the Sea-Floor.wma 30-Exploring the Sea-Floor.wma 3.5MB

04-Seeing Hands.lrc 04-Seeing Hands.lrc 2KB

09-Royal Espionage.lrc 09-Royal Espionage.lrc 2KB

22-Knowledge and Progress.wma 22-Knowledge and Progress.wma 2.7MB

34-Adolescence.lrc 34-Adolescence.lrc 3KB

40-Waves.wma 40-Waves.wma 2.8MB

42-Recording an Earthquake.wma 42-Recording an Earthquake.wma 4.8MB

39-What Every Writer Wants.lrc 39-What Every Writer Wants.lrc 3KB

25-Non-Auditory Effects of Noise.wma 25-Non-Auditory Effects of Noise.wma 3.8MB

47-The Great Escape.lrc 47-The Great Escape.lrc 4KB

35-Space Odyssey.wma 35-Space Odyssey.wma 3.5MB

02-Spare That Spider.wma 02-Spare That Spider.wma 2.3MB

03-Matterhorn Man.lrc 03-Matterhorn Man.lrc 2KB

18-Porpoises.lrc 18-Porpoises.lrc 3KB

16-The Modern City.wma 16-The Modern City.wma 2.1MB

20-Snake Poison.lrc 20-Snake Poison.lrc 2KB

17-A Man-made Disease.lrc 17-A Man-made Disease.lrc 2KB

43-Are There Strangers in Space.wma 43-Are There Strangers in Space.wma 5.6MB

48-Planning a Share Portfolio.lrc 48-Planning a Share Portfolio.lrc 3KB



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