
少儿英语启蒙分级读物《丽声妙想英文绘本 (PDF+音频) 》


发布时间: 2025-03-14 00:27:10

文件大小: 共计 102 个文件 ,合计: 2.2GB

发布者: 清风享7

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少儿英语启蒙分级读物《丽声妙想英文绘本 (PDF+音频) 》 少儿英语启蒙分级读物《丽声妙想英文绘本 (PDF+音频) 》 1.6GB

第十级 第十级 137.0MB

05 the sparrow,the crow and the Pearl.mp3 05 the sparrow,the crow and the Pearl.mp3 24.8MB

03 Prince Albert's birthday.mp3 03 Prince Albert's birthday.mp3 24.6MB

04 the selkie child.mp3 04 the selkie child.mp3 18.1MB

02 Emily and the lamb.mp3 02 Emily and the lamb.mp3 21.4MB

06 Tom the whistling wonder.mp3 06 Tom the whistling wonder.mp3 21.8MB

01 clown school.mp3 01 clown school.mp3 26.2MB

第九级 第九级 128.5MB

03 Mr Rabbit the farmer.mp3 03 Mr Rabbit the farmer.mp3 18.7MB

01 Alien swap.mp3 01 Alien swap.mp3 28.9MB

04 Molly and the Giant.mp3 04 Molly and the Giant.mp3 24.0MB

02 king Donal's secret.mp3 02 king Donal's secret.mp3 18.5MB

05 Hot dog.mp3 05 Hot dog.mp3 23.0MB

03 the snow king.mp3 03 the snow king.mp3 15.3MB

第八级 第八级 113.1MB

05 Raju's ride.mp3 05 Raju's ride.mp3 17.9MB

04 the band of friends.mp3 04 the band of friends.mp3 22.3MB

06 more little Mouse deer tales.mp3 06 more little Mouse deer tales.mp3 19.2MB

03 big liam,little liam.mp3 03 big liam,little liam.mp3 17.8MB

02 bean root.mp3 02 bean root.mp3 18.2MB

01 hair scare.mp3 01 hair scare.mp3 17.7MB

第三级 第三级 860.5MB


雪化了.pdf 雪化了.pdf 136.6MB

蓝色的新鞋子.pdf 蓝色的新鞋子.pdf 141.6MB

给宝宝的礼物.pdf 给宝宝的礼物.pdf 135.0MB

爱唱歌的鸟.pdf 爱唱歌的鸟.pdf 145.0MB

奶奶的眼镜.pdf 奶奶的眼镜.pdf 140.8MB

刺猬的新家.pdf 刺猬的新家.pdf 138.2MB

音频 音频 23.3MB

雪化了.mp3 雪化了.mp3 3.3MB

爱唱歌的鸟.mp3 爱唱歌的鸟.mp3 3.0MB

给宝宝的礼物.mp3 给宝宝的礼物.mp3 3.8MB

奶奶的眼镜.mp3 奶奶的眼镜.mp3 5.7MB

蓝色的新鞋子.mp3 蓝色的新鞋子.mp3 3.2MB

刺猬的新家.mp3 刺猬的新家.mp3 4.2MB

第四级 第四级 219.4MB

MP3 MP3 37.3MB

一顶旧红帽.mp3 一顶旧红帽.mp3 9.1MB

狐狸先生的袜子.mp3 狐狸先生的袜子.mp3 4.0MB

没有名字的小老鼠.mp3 没有名字的小老鼠.mp3 6.8MB

没问题.mp3 没问题.mp3 5.5MB

小鼷鹿与鳄鱼.mp3 小鼷鹿与鳄鱼.mp3 6.0MB

乌龟与狒狒.mp3 乌龟与狒狒.mp3 5.9MB


小鼷鹿和鳄鱼.pdf 小鼷鹿和鳄鱼.pdf 35.6MB

乌龟和狒狒.pdf 乌龟和狒狒.pdf 26.2MB

一顶旧红帽.pdf 一顶旧红帽.pdf 36.4MB

没问题.pdf 没问题.pdf 24.7MB

没有名字的小老鼠.pdf 没有名字的小老鼠.pdf 34.8MB

狐狸先生的袜子.pdf 狐狸先生的袜子.pdf 24.4MB

第六级 第六级 183.1MB

第六级pdf 第六级pdf 99.4MB

杰克造房子.pdf 杰克造房子.pdf 14.4MB

山姆有绝招.pdf 山姆有绝招.pdf 20.6MB

偷饺贼.pdf 偷饺贼.pdf 23.8MB

大家伙.pdf 大家伙.pdf 11.1MB

怕黑的小鼹鼠.pdf 怕黑的小鼹鼠.pdf 14.5MB

面糊飞飞.pdf 面糊飞飞.pdf 15.1MB

第六级mp3 第六级mp3 83.7MB

The Mole who was scared of the dark怕黑的小鼹鼠.mp3 The Mole who was scared of the dark怕黑的小鼹鼠.mp3 13.9MB

Something big大家伙.mp3 Something big大家伙.mp3 14.0MB

The house that jack built 杰克造房子.mp3 The house that jack built 杰克造房子.mp3 10.9MB

Batter Splatter面糊飞飞.mp3 Batter Splatter面糊飞飞.mp3 15.9MB

Sam sorts it out山姆有绝招.mp3 Sam sorts it out山姆有绝招.mp3 15.8MB

The Samosa Thief偷饺贼.mp3 The Samosa Thief偷饺贼.mp3 13.2MB

第二级 第二级 37.0MB


can you get our ball 2.pdf can you get our ball 2.pdf 7.7MB

Tortoise!Tortoise.pdf Tortoise!Tortoise.pdf 822KB

Do not jump on the bed fred.pdf Do not jump on the bed fred.pdf 6.6MB

the animal party.pdf the animal party.pdf 7.0MB

What is it.pdf What is it.pdf 8.5MB

the best sandcastle.pdf the best sandcastle.pdf 6.3MB



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