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编程类英语教程 460.2MB
书单.txt 9KB
Kindle Computer Science eBook 84.3MB
Wrox Beginning Lua Programming.mobi 4.7MB
Social Engineering.mobi 6.4MB
OReilly Programming Scala.mobi 1.4MB
OReilly PDF Explained.mobi 2.5MB
NoStarch IDA Pro Book 2nd.mobi 4.1MB
Apress Beginning BlackBerry 7 Development.mobi 7.3MB
Apress Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity.mobi 58.0MB
Kindle Computer mobi Theory 174.1MB
Writing Compilers and Interpreters A Software Engineering Approach.mobi 12.2MB
Wiley IEEE Data Mining Concepts Models Methods and Algorithms 2nd.mobi 14.7MB
Wiley Geometry Essentials For Dummies.mobi 6.9MB
Programming Language Pragmatics 3rd.mobi 13.5MB
Prentice Computer Systems - A Programmers Perspective 2nd.mobi 18.7MB
Prentice Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach 3rd.mobi 16.2MB
Pearson Structured Computer Organization.mobi 11.9MB
Pearson Computer Systems A Programmers Perspect.mobi 18.7MB
Pearson Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools 2nd.mobi 12.1MB
OReilly Think Stats.mobi 5.8MB
OReilly HTTP - The Definitive Guide (Definitive Guides).mobi 4.3MB
MIT The Elements of Computing Systems - Building a Modern Computer from First Principles.mobi 6.4MB
MIT Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 2nd.mobi 1.4MB
Computer Organization and Design 3rd.mobi 9.5MB
Addison Model-Based Development Applications.mobi 14.6MB
Addison Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.mobi 7.2MB
Kindle Computer mobi Linux 75.2MB
Wrox Professional Linux Kernel Architecture.mobi 11.8MB
unix编程实践教程代码.tar 300KB
Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook 4th.mobi 18.0MB
OReilly vi Editor Pocket Reference.mobi 261KB
OReilly Version Control with Git.mobi 1.7MB
OReilly Understanding the Linux Kernel 3rd.mobi 3.6MB
OReilly Learning the Bash Shell 3rd.mobi 6.5MB
OReilly Classic Shell Script.mobi 1.4MB
OReilly Bash Cookbook.mobi 2.4MB
NoStarch Linux Programming Interface.mobi 15.7MB
Linux Kernel Development 3rd.mobi 5.4MB
Apress Pro Git.mobi 2.7MB
Apress Pro Git CHS.mobi 2.8MB
Apress From Bash to Z Shell.mobi 1.3MB
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.mobi 1.4MB
Kindle Computer mobi Java 106.2MB
Wiley Java and Mac OSX Developer Reference.mobi 6.1MB
Thinking in Java 3rd.mobi 2.4MB
Thinking in Java (3rd Edition).mobi 2.4MB
Packt ZK Developers Guide.mobi 1.9MB
OReilly Jenkins The Definitive Guide.mobi 13.8MB
OReilly Harnessing Hibernate.mobi 2.8MB
OReilly Getting Started with Roo.mobi 3.3MB
OReilly Functional Programming for Java Developers.mobi 1.9MB
object-oriented_javascript.pdf 7.2MB
JAVA设计模式.mobi 273KB
Java Concurrency in Practice.mobi 978KB
Core+Java,+Volume+II--Advanced+Features.mobi 12.6MB
Core+Java,+Volume+I--Fundamentals.mobi 20.9MB
Apress Pro Spring Batch.mobi 4.2MB
Apress Practical RichFaces 2nd.mobi 11.5MB
Apress Expert Oracle and Java Security.mobi 4.1MB
Addison The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework.mobi 8.7MB
Addison Effective Java 2nd.mobi 1.3MB
Kindle Computer mobi C_Cpp 20.4MB
Wrox Professional Cpp 2nd.mobi 8.8MB
the c programming language(2nd edition).pdf 1.2MB
Sams C Primer Plus 5th.mobi 10.5MB
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