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DK 2.9GB
DK0068- The Bedtime Book of Animals 159.7MB
The Bedtime Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life Meet More Than 100 Creatures From Long Ago (Dean R. Lomax) (Z-Library).epub 83.8MB
The Bedtime Book of Animals (The Bedtime Books) (DK) (Z-Library).epub 75.9MB
DK0067-DK - How to Be Good at Math & Science (Stage1-4)(公众号-神兽学习计划) 500.7MB
使用说明.txt 290 B
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~~~无法解压---解压错误看这里~~~.txt 386 B
DK - How to Be Good at Math & Science (Stage1-4)(公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 500.3MB
DK0065-ask a scientist公众号神兽学习计划 68.0MB
ask a scientist(公众号-神兽学习计划)-海量资源免费分享 -微信shenshou992021.pdf 68.0MB
DK0062-DK- 100 Scientists Who Made History 43.7MB
使用说明.txt 290 B
~~~无法解压---解压错误看这里~~~.txt 386 B
read me.png 406KB
DK- 100 Scientists Who Made History(公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 43.3MB
DK0061-DK百科 Ancient Egypt The Definitive Visual History古埃及:图解埃及历史 103.7MB
Ancient Egypt The Definitive Visual History (SNAPE, STEVEN).pdf 103.7MB
DK0060-DK童话(公众号-神兽学习计划) 102.4MB
使用说明.txt 290 B
~~~无法解压---解压错误看这里~~~.txt 386 B
Ugly Duckling (DK) (公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 25.3MB
Three Little Pigs (Guiseppe Di Learnia) (公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 16.1MB
read me.png 406KB
Noahs Ark (Giuseppe Di Lernia) (公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 16.4MB
Jonah and the Whale (Giuseppe Di Lernia) (公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 16.0MB
Jack the Beanstalk (DK)(公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 28.1MB
DK0051-help your kids帮助孩子系列10+本 497.3MB
Help_Your_Kids_With_Times_Table_-_Carol_Vorderman.pdf 90.6MB
Help_Your_Kids_with_Geography_-_DK.pdf 58.2MB
Help_Your_Kids_with_English_-_Carol_Vorderman.pdf 31.5MB
Help_Your_Kids_with_Computer_Coding,_Revised_Edition_-_DK.pdf 28.6MB
Help Your kids with Science (2012).pdf 30.9MB
Help Your Kids with Music(2015).pdf 37.3MB
Help Your kids with Math (2014).pdf 39.7MB
Help Your Kids with Language Arts.pdf 30.4MB
Help Your Kids with Growing Up_ A No-Nonsense Guide to Puberty and Adolescence (2017).pdf 45.1MB
Help Your Kids with Computer Science(2018).pdf 44.7MB
Help your kids with computer coding (2014).pdf 24.8MB
Help Your Kids with Adolescence (2017).pdf 35.4MB
DK0038-Up In The Air (DK) (Z-Library) 71.2MB
Up In The Air (DK) (Z-Library).pdf 40.3MB
RHS Under Your Feet Soil, Sand and Other Stuff (DK, Royal Horticultural Society , Wenjia Tang) (Z-Library).pdf 30.9MB
DK0037-DK English for Everyone English Grammar 233.4MB
english for everyone english grammar guide.pdf 85.7MB
english for everyone practice book english grammar guide.pdf 147.7MB
DK0036-DK 24Hours(公众号-神兽学习计划) 65.1MB
使用说明.txt 290 B
更多教育资源请扫码微信或公众号搜索神兽学习计划.png 406KB
~~~无法解压---解压错误看这里~~~.txt 386 B
DK 24Hours(公众号-神兽学习计划).rar 64.7MB
DK0035-Born to Be Wild - DK天生野性 102.5MB
Born to Be Wild - DK.zip 102.5MB
DK0034-DK Knowledge Encyclopedia 788.3MB
Science Science as Youve Never Seen It Before_DK.pdf 72.1MB
Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean Our Watery World As Youve Never Seen It Before (Derek Harvey, Dorling Kindersley (corp) etc.).pdf 86.3MB
Knowledge Encyclopedia Human Body (Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff).pdf 76.2MB
Knowledge Encyclopedia (DK, Smithsonian).pdf 80.5MB
History The Past as youve Never Seen it Before, Knowledge Encyclopedia (DK Publishing).pdf 92.7MB
General Knowledge Genius_DK.pdf 82.5MB
Dinosaur Dinosaurs and Other Amazing Prehistoric Creatures as Youve Never Seen Them Before_Bull, PeterKerr, AndrewKonstantinov.pdf 98.1MB
Animal_John Woodward, Kim Bryan.pdf 123.6MB
Knowledge Encyclopedia Space The Universe as Youve Never Seen it Before_Dorling Kindersley.pdf 76.1MB
DK0033-DK人物传记 126.7MB
The Met, What the Artist Saw - Georgia OKeeffe, She Saw the World in a Flower (DK) (Z-Library).pdf 18.1MB
The Met Vincent van Gogh He saw the world in vibrant colors (What the Artist Saw) (Amy Guglielmo) (Z-Library).pdf 18.4MB
The Met Hokusai He Saw the World in a Wave (Susie Hodge Kim Ekdahl) (Z-Library).pdf 18.4MB
The Met Faith Ringgold Narrating the World in Pattern and Color (Sharna Jackson, Andrea Pippins (illustrator)) (Z-Library).pdf 12.2MB
DK The Met — Louise Bourgeois She Saw the World as a Textured Tapestry (Amy Guglielmo) (Z-Library).pdf 12.4MB
DK The Met — Claude Monet He Saw the World in Brilliant Light (Amy Guglielmo Ginnie Hsu) (Z-Library).pdf 47.1MB
DK0031-Picturepedia, Second Edition - An Encyclopedia on Every Page 139.9MB
Picturepedia, Second Edition - An Encyclopedia on Every Page.pdf 139.9MB
DK0030-Story of Food DK食物的故事(公众号-神兽学习计划) 406KB
使用说明.txt 290 B
更多教育资源请扫码微信或公众号搜索神兽学习计划.png 406KB
~~~无法解压---解压错误看这里~~~.txt 386 B
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