
英语单词启蒙动画《Captain Seasalt The ABC Pirates》英文版 全26集MP4视频

发布时间: 2024-09-24 14:33:25

文件大小: 共计 26 个文件 ,合计: 2.1GB

发布者: 麦门ear

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以下文件快照生成于2 小时前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

英语单词启蒙动画《Captain Seasalt The ABC Pirates》英文版 全26集MP4视频 英语单词启蒙动画《Captain Seasalt The ABC Pirates》英文版 全26集MP4视频 2.1GB

21-26U-Z 21-26U-Z 571.6MB

26.a Zany Adventure on _Z.mp4 26.a Zany Adventure on _Z.mp4 92.6MB

25.a Yummy Treasure on _Y.mp4 25.a Yummy Treasure on _Y.mp4 93.3MB

24. Exciting Expedition on _X.mp4 24. Exciting Expedition on _X.mp4 82.9MB

23.A Whimsical Adventure on _W.mp4 23.A Whimsical Adventure on _W.mp4 109.7MB

22.A Valorous Voyage on _V.mp4 22.A Valorous Voyage on _V.mp4 87.3MB

21.Adventure on _U.mp4 21.Adventure on _U.mp4 105.8MB

11-20K-T 11-20K-T 821.8MB

20.A Terrific Adventure on _T.mp4 20.A Terrific Adventure on _T.mp4 92.2MB

19.a Spectacular Adventure on _S.mp4 19.a Spectacular Adventure on _S.mp4 88.2MB

18.Find Treasure on _R.mp4 18.Find Treasure on _R.mp4 89.7MB

17.A Quirky Quest on _Q.mp4 17.A Quirky Quest on _Q.mp4 96.8MB

16.a delicious Prize on _P.mp4 16.a delicious Prize on _P.mp4 84.0MB

15.What will the ABC Pirates discover on _O.mp4 15.What will the ABC Pirates discover on _O.mp4 80.1MB

14.A New Adventure on _N.mp4 14.A New Adventure on _N.mp4 62.9MB

13.Adventure on _M.mp4 13.Adventure on _M.mp4 81.9MB

12.A Looney Adventure on _L.mp4 12.A Looney Adventure on _L.mp4 83.9MB

11.Adventure on _K.mp4 11.Adventure on _K.mp4 62.1MB

01-10A-J 01-10A-J 742.0MB

10.A Joyful Journey on _J.mp4 10.A Joyful Journey on _J.mp4 72.0MB

09.An Incredible Adventure on _I.mp4 09.An Incredible Adventure on _I.mp4 63.6MB

08.A Hidden Treasure Hunt on _H.mp4 08.A Hidden Treasure Hunt on _H.mp4 73.2MB

07.A Grand Adventure on _G.mp4 07.A Grand Adventure on _G.mp4 69.1MB

06.A Fantastic Adventure on _F.mp4 06.A Fantastic Adventure on _F.mp4 71.2MB

05.An Exhilarating Expedition on _E.mp4 05.An Exhilarating Expedition on _E.mp4 74.2MB

04.A Daring Adventure on _D.mp4 04.A Daring Adventure on _D.mp4 73.3MB

03.Crazy-Cool Adventure on _C.mp4 03.Crazy-Cool Adventure on _C.mp4 71.5MB

02.Buried Treasure on _B.mp4 02.Buried Treasure on _B.mp4 83.8MB

01.Alphabet Adventure on _A.mp4 01.Alphabet Adventure on _A.mp4 90.0MB



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