


发布时间: 2025-01-01 12:04:22

文件大小: 共计 121 个文件 ,合计: 9.0GB

发布者: 善良真的蜗牛

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

资源售价: 7金币 会员所有资源免费

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以下文件快照生成于3 天前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

神奇的α波合集【音频】【9G】 神奇的α波合集【音频】【9G】 1.5GB

植地雅哉 - A Fairy In The Woods(1).mp3 植地雅哉 - A Fairy In The Woods(1).mp3 7.2MB

Song Of The Sea - Lisa Hannigan.mp3 Song Of The Sea - Lisa Hannigan.mp3 2.5MB

深浅.mp3 深浅.mp3 7.6MB

植地雅哉 - Rising of the Dream.mp3 植地雅哉 - Rising of the Dream.mp3 6.4MB

Intellectual life.mp3 Intellectual life.mp3 5.9MB

Floating in the City(城市漂流).mp3 Floating in the City(城市漂流).mp3 7.2MB

神奇的α波4-集中力強化.mp3 神奇的α波4-集中力強化.mp3 129.3MB

午后微风.mp3 午后微风.mp3 8.4MB

神奇的α波2-神經疲勞解消.mp3 神奇的α波2-神經疲勞解消.mp3 118.3MB

神奇的α波5-記憶力強化.mp3 神奇的α波5-記憶力強化.mp3 117.6MB

植地雅哉 - Tender Passion.mp3 植地雅哉 - Tender Passion.mp3 4.5MB

Knowledge.mp3 Knowledge.mp3 7.1MB

植地雅哉 - Drip Drip Drip.mp3 植地雅哉 - Drip Drip Drip.mp3 6.1MB

Song of the Sea - Fred Simon.mp3 Song of the Sea - Fred Simon.mp3 6.9MB

神奇的α波1-元氣回復.mp3 神奇的α波1-元氣回復.mp3 117.7MB

植地雅哉 - Floating in the City(1).mp3 植地雅哉 - Floating in the City(1).mp3 7.2MB

Wind Machine - Song of the Sea.mp3 Wind Machine - Song of the Sea.mp3 2.9MB

Happy Dancing.mp3 Happy Dancing.mp3 3.9MB

你曼妙的身影.mp3 你曼妙的身影.mp3 8.3MB

植地雅哉 - Intellect.mp3 植地雅哉 - Intellect.mp3 6.4MB

净空.mp3 净空.mp3 8.7MB

神奇的α波9-行動力增強.mp3 神奇的α波9-行動力增強.mp3 120.9MB

Drip Drip Drip(滴落的星子).mp3 Drip Drip Drip(滴落的星子).mp3 6.1MB

植地雅哉 - Awakening.mp3 植地雅哉 - Awakening.mp3 7.9MB

植地雅哉 - Knowledge.mp3 植地雅哉 - Knowledge.mp3 7.0MB

Song of the Sea - Dan Fogelberg.mp3 Song of the Sea - Dan Fogelberg.mp3 5.2MB

Dance of Gossamer.mp3 Dance of Gossamer.mp3 4.8MB

養生放鬆系列-淚的快樂方程式.mp3 養生放鬆系列-淚的快樂方程式.mp3 115.6MB

Footpath in the Garden.mp3 Footpath in the Garden.mp3 4.7MB

Mike Murray - Song of the Sea.mp3 Mike Murray - Song of the Sea.mp3 6.7MB

神奇的α波8-舒暢午後.mp3 神奇的α波8-舒暢午後.mp3 121.6MB

神奇的α波7-活力早晨.mp3 神奇的α波7-活力早晨.mp3 137.1MB

植地雅哉 - Infinite Vitality(1).mp3 植地雅哉 - Infinite Vitality(1).mp3 6.7MB

養生放鬆系列-與放鬆a波共振--松静纾压法.mp3 養生放鬆系列-與放鬆a波共振--松静纾压法.mp3 114.3MB

植地雅哉 - A New Beginning.mp3 植地雅哉 - A New Beginning.mp3 7.8MB

柔情.mp3 柔情.mp3 4.5MB

植地雅哉 - Smiling Memories.mp3 植地雅哉 - Smiling Memories.mp3 8.6MB

Dazing(微醺).mp3 Dazing(微醺).mp3 6.4MB

恋爱的预感.mp3 恋爱的预感.mp3 6.6MB

纤活.mp3 纤活.mp3 7.2MB

植地雅哉 - Intellectual Life.mp3 植地雅哉 - Intellectual Life.mp3 5.9MB

A Clear Head.mp3 A Clear Head.mp3 5.0MB

Dan Gibson - Song Of The Sea.mp3 Dan Gibson - Song Of The Sea.mp3 5.5MB

唤醒.mp3 唤醒.mp3 7.9MB

Stanley Black - Song Of The Sea.mp3 Stanley Black - Song Of The Sea.mp3 6.6MB


植地雅哉 - Infinite Vitality.mp3 植地雅哉 - Infinite Vitality.mp3 6.7MB

Take Your Chance - Various Artists.mp3 Take Your Chance - Various Artists.mp3 3.7MB

神奇的α波13-瘦身美容.mp3 神奇的α波13-瘦身美容.mp3 119.2MB

Dan Fogelberg - Song of the Sea.mp3 Dan Fogelberg - Song of the Sea.mp3 12.9MB

植地雅哉 - Floating in the City.mp3 植地雅哉 - Floating in the City.mp3 7.2MB

植地雅哉 - A Clear Head.mp3 植地雅哉 - A Clear Head.mp3 5.0MB

植地雅哉 - Intelligence Of Infinity.mp3 植地雅哉 - Intelligence Of Infinity.mp3 4.4MB

植地雅哉 - Completely Vacant.mp3 植地雅哉 - Completely Vacant.mp3 8.7MB

Song of the Sea (Lullaby) - Nolwenn Leroy.mp3 Song of the Sea (Lullaby) - Nolwenn Leroy.mp3 3.5MB

Intellect.mp3 Intellect.mp3 6.4MB

回忆微微笑.mp3 回忆微微笑.mp3 8.6MB

Nolwenn Leroy - Song Of The Sea (Lullaby).mp3 Nolwenn Leroy - Song Of The Sea (Lullaby).mp3 8.7MB

When I Look Into Your Eyes - Various Artists.mp3 When I Look Into Your Eyes - Various Artists.mp3 3.9MB

Shadow of Happiness.mp3 Shadow of Happiness.mp3 4.9MB



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