
【1000集全】原汁原味 美国儿童启蒙教育英语学习动画系列(1)(1)


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【1000集全】原汁原味 美国儿童启蒙教育英语学习动画系列(1)(1) 【1000集全】原汁原味 美国儿童启蒙教育英语学习动画系列(1)(1) 881.7MB

608 R Phonics - Letter R - Alphabet.mp4 608 R Phonics - Letter R - Alphabet.mp4 2.0MB

267 How many bears Three bears. (Co.mp4 267 How many bears Three bears. (Co.mp4 10.4MB

729 Where is Thumbkin - Nursery Rhy.mp4 729 Where is Thumbkin - Nursery Rhy.mp4 27.3MB

573 Phonics Story M - English Story.mp4 573 Phonics Story M - English Story.mp4 22.3MB

008 Homesick - English animation musi.mp4 008 Homesick - English animation musi.mp4 10.0MB

275 How old is he (Age song) - Engl.mp4 275 How old is he (Age song) - Engl.mp4 7.5MB

158 Alphabet Song - Alphabet ‘H’ So.mp4 158 Alphabet Song - Alphabet ‘H’ So.mp4 6.7MB

912 13.Lesson 07A - Where's my dog .mp4 912 13.Lesson 07A - Where's my dog .mp4 4.6MB

444 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 444 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 18.3MB

279 How's the weather it's cloudy. .mp4 279 How's the weather it's cloudy. .mp4 4.7MB

650 Theme 3. Day - What day is it I.mp4 650 Theme 3. Day - What day is it I.mp4 14.3MB

418 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 418 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 4.4MB

016 [Age] How old are you - Easy Dia.mp4 016 [Age] How old are you - Easy Dia.mp4 15.1MB

526 N is for Nest, Noodles, Nut - L.mp4 526 N is for Nest, Noodles, Nut - L.mp4 2.9MB

923 24.Lesson 12B - I need a ruler .mp4 923 24.Lesson 12B - I need a ruler .mp4 13.9MB

834 Phonics 'H' Collection - Alphab.mp4 834 Phonics 'H' Collection - Alphab.mp4 30.7MB

296 It has big eyes. How big! (Monk.mp4 296 It has big eyes. How big! (Monk.mp4 8.4MB

741 Z Phonics - Letter Z - Alphabet.mp4 741 Z Phonics - Letter Z - Alphabet.mp4 2.4MB

595 Phonics Word song O - English S.mp4 595 Phonics Word song O - English S.mp4 18.6MB

739 Y Phonics - Letter Y - Alphabet.mp4 739 Y Phonics - Letter Y - Alphabet.mp4 2.6MB

847 Phonics Rap L - English Rap - E.mp4 847 Phonics Rap L - English Rap - E.mp4 53.6MB

369 Kids vocabulary compilation - W.mp4 369 Kids vocabulary compilation - W.mp4 3.7MB

473 Lesson 8_(A)Come here, Mary. - .mp4 473 Lesson 8_(A)Come here, Mary. - .mp4 7.2MB

435 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 435 Kids vocabulary compilation ver.mp4 4.4MB

460 Lesson 1_(B)How old are you - H.mp4 460 Lesson 1_(B)How old are you - H.mp4 15.9MB

076 [NEW] 25. Understanding One’s Cu.mp4 076 [NEW] 25. Understanding One’s Cu.mp4 36.0MB

358 Kids vocabulary - Zodiac sign -.mp4 358 Kids vocabulary - Zodiac sign -.mp4 14.5MB

220 Don't sit down. Wash your hands.mp4 220 Don't sit down. Wash your hands.mp4 5.5MB

954 07.Don't swim. - Watch out! (Ca.mp4 954 07.Don't swim. - Watch out! (Ca.mp4 3.7MB

721 What's this - It's a pencil. Er.mp4 721 What's this - It's a pencil. Er.mp4 7.2MB

711 What day is it today It's Monda.mp4 711 What day is it today It's Monda.mp4 9.0MB

686 Time for homework. It's five te.mp4 686 Time for homework. It's five te.mp4 14.1MB

207 D is for Dog, Doll, Drum - Lett.mp4 207 D is for Dog, Doll, Drum - Lett.mp4 2.4MB

212 Do you have crayons paper - Eud.mp4 212 Do you have crayons paper - Eud.mp4 8.9MB

660 Theme 13. How many - How many a.mp4 660 Theme 13. How many - How many a.mp4 29.5MB

557 Phonics Song 2 (L&T) (Phonics) .mp4 557 Phonics Song 2 (L&T) (Phonics) .mp4 3.3MB

735 Who's this Who's that (Introduc.mp4 735 Who's this Who's that (Introduc.mp4 7.2MB

216 Do you like milk Yes, I do. (Li.mp4 216 Do you like milk Yes, I do. (Li.mp4 5.4MB

018 [Age] How old are you I'm five y.mp4 018 [Age] How old are you I'm five y.mp4 6.6MB

479 Lesson 11_(A)What is it - Carto.mp4 479 Lesson 11_(A)What is it - Carto.mp4 6.9MB

313 Kids vocabulary - Body - parts .mp4 313 Kids vocabulary - Body - parts .mp4 7.0MB

031 [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice .mp4 031 [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice .mp4 5.2MB

017 [Age] How old are you - Exciting.mp4 017 [Age] How old are you - Exciting.mp4 17.7MB

002 Go straight - English animation m.mp4 002 Go straight - English animation m.mp4 9.6MB

848 [Have] Do you have pets - Excit.mp4 848 [Have] Do you have pets - Excit.mp4 16.9MB

612 S is for Six, Snake, Sun - Lett.mp4 612 S is for Six, Snake, Sun - Lett.mp4 2.6MB

195 Can you help me Sure, I can. - .mp4 195 Can you help me Sure, I can. - .mp4 4.0MB

720 What’s this+More Kids raps Engl.mp4 720 What’s this+More Kids raps Engl.mp4 137.4MB

714 What did you do yesterday (Past.mp4 714 What did you do yesterday (Past.mp4 9.0MB

456 Kids vocabulary Theme Sounds - .mp4 456 Kids vocabulary Theme Sounds - .mp4 32.1MB

543 Peter Pan - How old are you (Ag.mp4 543 Peter Pan - How old are you (Ag.mp4 2.7MB

277 How's the Weather - Weather Son.mp4 277 How's the Weather - Weather Son.mp4 29.0MB

128  Pets - Comparison expression -.mp4 128 Pets - Comparison expression -.mp4 22.3MB

598 Phonics Word song R - English S.mp4 598 Phonics Word song R - English S.mp4 17.1MB

113  Introducing family from photog.mp4 113 Introducing family from photog.mp4 17.9MB

970 23.Let's play soccer. I like so.mp4 970 23.Let's play soccer. I like so.mp4 8.8MB

577 Phonics Story Q - English Story.mp4 577 Phonics Story Q - English Story.mp4 31.0MB

100 [Weather] How's the weather rai.mp4 100 [Weather] How's the weather rai.mp4 15.2MB

104 [Where] Where's the museum Go s.mp4 104 [Where] Where's the museum Go s.mp4 6.1MB

240 Girls and Boys Come out to Play.mp4 240 Girls and Boys Come out to Play.mp4 18.1MB



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