

沼泽的乌鸦 The Swamp of the Ravens (1974)

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理发师陶德的故事 The Tale of Sweeney Todd (1997)

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雪恨寻冤 The Severed Arm (1973)

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祸事宅邸 The Curse of Hobbes House (2020)

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守护者王国 Tekuani,the Guardian (2014)

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美杜莎的面具 Le masque de la Méduse (2009)

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弗兰肯斯坦的故事 Tales of Frankenstein (2018)

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Serena Waits (2018)

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恐怖之夜 Night of Terror (1933)

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苍蝇屋 In the House of Flies (2012)

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大师作品 Master Pieces (2020)

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收割镇 Reaptown (2020)

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克朗普斯之邪灵起源 Krampus Origins (2018)

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阴影之屋 House of Shadows (2020)

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苦难之家 House of Afflictions (2017)

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Handy Dandy (2019)

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驱魔之歌:零 Diário de um Exorcista - Zero (2016)

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黛安娜 Diane (2017)

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在死亡谷交界处徘徊 Haunting at Death Valley Junction (2020)

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廉价公寓中的黑暗 Darkness in Tenement 45 (2020)

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八点之后 8ight After (2020)

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盲鬼 Blind Ghost (2021)

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Z 张丨心

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S 狮丨子丨王:木丨法丨沙传丨奇

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